D.I.C. Veritas

Arhiva oznaka: Svjedočenja

MSP: Izjava svjedoka Georges-Marie Chenu

    MSP: Izjava svjedoka Georges-Marie Chenu [pdf] En français

MSP: Izjava svjedoka Bože Šuše

  Witness statement of Božo Suša in English Language [pdf]  

MSP: Izjava svjedoka Jele Ugarković

STATEMENT 1. My name is Jela Ugarkovic. I was born in the village of Komic, municipality of Titova Korenica, Croatia. I now live in Denmark. I left my family home in 1974 when I started working in Zagreb, first at Unitas concern factory and later on at the company Rade …

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MSP: Izjava svjedoka Mileta Sovilja

Witness Statement 1. My name is Mile Sovilj. I was born in the village  of Kijani,  municipality  of Gračac, Croatia. During the operation Storm I lived in the town of Gračac because I worked at Radio Television Knin from 1991; I covered events from the Lika region and so, by …

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MSP: Izjava svjedoka generala Endrjua Bruka Leslija [Andrew Brook Leslie]

Witness statement of general Andrew Brook Leslie

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaCase Prosecutor v. Gotovina et al., IT-060-90 Transcripts Witness:  General Andrew Brook Leslie(Chief of Staff of the UNCRO Sector South) 22 April 2008  Witness statement of general Andrew Brook Leslie  in English Language [pdf]  

MSP: Izjava svjedoka eksperta Save Štrbca

IZJAVA 1.    Biografija Zovem se  Savo Štrbac.  Rođen  sam 1949.  godine  u Rašteviću  kod  Benkovca u Hrvatskoj. Do 4. avgusta 1995. godine živio sam u društvenom stanu u Benkovcu, a od tada kao prognanik u Beogradu. Oženjen sam i imam dvoje djece. Po nacionalnosti sam Srbin. Državljanin sam i Hrvatske …

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